Monday, July 9, 2012

Feat Design: Two-Weapon Fighting

Here is another lost artifact from 3.5: the capacity of a character to pick up two weapons and fight with them.  Some characters' entire concept depended on this, and those players undoubtedly felt alienated with the new edition.  I tossed around a few ideas on how to work this within the 4th edition concept of characters actually being beginner heroes at level 1.

Two-Weapon Fighting
The character has been trained to use two one-handed weapons in unison for combat, allowing her to perform two basic attacks with one standard action.  The naturally unwieldy nature of such a technique incurs a -4 penalty  to the attack roll of each attack.

This primarily helps take care of some of the balance issues in giving a character the opportunity to double the amount of damage one may do in a single turn, yet the negatives make is such that, while the character will not be very proficient early on, gaining +1 to hit every two character levels gives a very natural and enjoyable progression as he/she improves with the weapons.


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