Unfortunately, I haven't had much inspiration to write recently, but I think that I could do a quick primer on how to play the support role in League of Legends.
Simply put, I think the most important thing that the support role does is give map control. That is, you buy plenty of wards, and position them well enough that you give enough vision to keep track of the enemy. While you should not be the only person buying wards- really, the entire team should- it is your primary duty to give map awareness to your team.
Now, depending on one's awareness of how League's metagame works, the current notion is you have a bruiser top, jungler, AP mid, then the AD carry and support bottom. This setup makes it so the top person must be able to stay in lane long enough to get enough CS to do the Warmogs/Atmos combo, and that is why the term "lane sustain" comes up so often.
As for summoner spells, I normally go clarity and CV, which lets me heal the AD carry every time it comes up, and normally that toon also uses mana. If the carry doesn't, then I switch clarity for summoner heal.
I think I'll get a post hoc analysis of a game up over on to illustrate how to do this.
I am still alive!
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