Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Item Build for Jungle Poppy

Hey folks, I've been playing some more games, and trying to find a good way to approach Poppy's buy order when it comes to her items. To that end, I have some notions about her.

Poppy is almost entirely based on speed. To that end, Ninja Tabi, Mercury's Treads, Boots of Swiftness, or Boots of Mobility will be your choices on boots. The former two if you really need the avoidance and defense, the latter two if you're well enough being able to chase and roam like a champion.

To begin, let's look at the basic Jungler initial buys:

Cloth Armor and 5 health potions
Boots of Speed
Madred's Razors
Upgraded Boots

After this the Jungler has autonomy for getting tankier and more dps.

For Poppy, I think she needs to rush Sheen more than anything else, since that's what makes her go as an assassin champ. To that end, I think I'll try this for her build order:

Cloth Armor and 5 health potions
Mana Crystal
Boots of Speed
Madred's Razors
Boots of Swiftness
Lich Bane
Shurelia's Reverie
Wriggle's Lantern
Deathfire Grasp
Rabaddon's Deathcap

So, basically this is an AP Poppy built to burst a carry down. For summoner spells, I've come to the conclusion that Flash/Smite is the best, while Smite/Ghost is still quite good. The positioning granted by Flash cannot be underestimated, as it gives Poppy the capacity to Flash over a wall, then smack people into walls, and have a merry time killing folks.

With ranked teams coming out soon, I'm hoping to get set up with some friends to try our luck in ranked games with me either playing Jungle Poppy or support with Soraka. Maybe solo top with Maokai, so yay! Quite excited at the prospect.

This is where I am, but not where I'm ending, there is more to come!

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